“You don't have to take life


it is now”


From one day to the next, Yelaisa was without income. Her buffer was quickly depleted, but she buckled down and quickly found a job. But financial worries are never far away. The support from her parents and from Esle from the Vogelnest gives her the strength to continue.

“It means so much to me that I can share my story somewhere. That I am seen and heard.”

You get tips and you’re heard, you find out that you are not alone.


Caring for grandma

After the birth of her son in 2016, it all becomes a bit too much for Yelaisa. She ends up with a postnatal depression. As she slowly recovers, she takes on the care for her grandma. She visits three times a day. A solution that works well for everyone. Yelaisa receives money from the personal care budget (pgb) and grandma can continue living at home.

Suddenly no income

At the beginning of 2023, Yelaisa’s grandma passes away. The pgb stops immediately. “I didn’t know it would happen this fast. From one day to the next, I had no income. The chance of receiving benefits was slim. Therefore, the Social Service advised me to start applying for jobs immediately. It was a tough time. I was grieving the loss of my grandma, and as a single mother, I also had my son to take care of.”

Support from parents

Yelaisa quickly finds a full-time job in security. She is without income for two months. Due to high prices, her savings quickly ran out. Fortunately, she receives help from her parents. They also look after her son when Yelaisa is at work. That is much needed because the irregular shifts in security often keep Yelaisa away from home.

Unexpected help

“II always keep pushing on, on and on. I just about manage. They recognized this at the Vogelnest where I regularly come with my son. They gave me a bag full of stuff for the summer vacation. Booklets, swimming gear, and the long jump rope my son wanted so much.”

Actually, Yelaisa didn’t want to accept this extra. She suggests giving it to someone who is even worse off. But Esle from the Vogelnest insists. “That felt really good,” Yelaisa says, “my son was so incredibly happy. And the feeling that someone did this for me was fantastic. Just the feeling that you’re not alone.”

Financial worries, but no debt

Yelaisa has never been in debt. But she does have financial worries. That’s why she perseveres and works hard for a better future. That’s difficult for people with mental health issues. Yelaisa knows all about that. She hopes that there will be more understanding for this.

Working towards the future

Meanwhile, Yelaisa continues to seek a better life balance. She wants to be home more often for her son. “You don’t have to take life as it is now. You can always progress, but you have to do it yourself. The first step is talking about it. With family, friends, or a social organization like the Vogelnest. Others often have a better graps of the provisions and benefits that are available. You get tips and importantly: you are heard. You are not alone.”